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English to go – Februar 2025 | JÖdigi
English to go – Februar 2025 by Charlie Weber

English to go – Februar 2025

Let's dress up!

English to go – Februar 2025 / Giovanni Seabra Baylao/Shutterstock.com

It’s carnival season! In many countries, people dress up in costumes, go to parties and balls, or join in parades. Let’s find out more about carnival traditions in Austria, Germany, England, America, and Brazil!

Listen and read along

Austria and England

Austria and England

Austria and Germany
In Austria, carnival time is called Fasching. It’s a time for fun, parades, and costumes before Lent. People wear funny and colorful costumes, or go to fancy parties, called balls, where they dance and wear masks.  In some places, people dress as scary creatures called “Perchten” to scare away the winter! In Germany, carnival is known as Karneval or Fasnacht. It’s a big celebration, especially in cities like Cologne. On "Rosenmontag" (Rose Monday), there’s a huge parade with costumes and big floats.

Now, listen to the next part. Then answer the question and continue reading.


England and America

England and America

Question: Where does Mardi Gras take place?
Answer: In New ………

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Now you will hear some information about carnival in Brazil
When you have finished listening, click on the worksheet and do the exercises.

Australia and China

Australia and China

Time for a Joke:

A man went to a fancy-dress party dressed as a tennis ball. – He got served immediately.

Go on to the February-Quiz now!

Quak English