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English to go – Jänner 2025 | JÖdigi
English to go – Jänner 2025 by Charlie Weber

English to go – Jänner 2025

Why we need Role Models

A role model is someone we admire and want to be like. A role model can be anyone in a young person’s life—a parent, family member, friend, celebrity, or teacher. Learn more about why role models are important and how they can influence us.

Listen and read along

Role models inspire us

Role models inspire us

Role models inspire us

Maybe they are one of your parents, an older sibling, or even a teacher. For young people, role models are very important. They admire them and want to be like them. Thus, role models have a big influence on us all – people who are successful can show us the way. They help us set goals and teach us how to reach them. They inspire us and show us what we can do, especially when we meet challenges in life. The idea is simple: if they can overcome difficulties and reach their goals, we can follow their example and succeed, too.

Now, listen to the next part. Then answer the question and continue reading.


Which role model?

Which role model?

Question: What is one way how can you connect with your role model?
Answer: You can follow them on ……… media.

Quak Porträt Links

Now you will hear some information about popular role models.
When you have finished listening, click on the worksheet and do the exercises.

Popular role models

Popular role models

Time for a Joke:

Why do tall people have no role models? - Because they have no one to look up to!

Go on to the January-Quiz now!

Quak English